Wonder 001

How we designed the best Dachshund harness on the market

After graduating from Brunel University in 1998 with a BSc in Product Design, Michela spent 14 years in the creative industry, living in Hong Kong and Sydney with her first dachshund, Minnie. She has always had a ferocious passion for dogs, textiles and garment construction.

Returning to England and experiencing the harsh British weather for the first time, with now 3 dachshunds, Michela started her search for the garments she needed. Constantly struggling to dress three reluctant Sausages in ill-fitting, fussy harnesses and coats with dogs who hated having anything pulled over their heads, she needed to streamline the chaos which preceded every outing. Finding nothing on the market which was practical in either fit, ease of use or quality, and driven by pure frustration, she set out to design her own solution.

Michela had a clear vision from the outset; for her dogs to be dressed in the same quality that she wanted for herself, to create solutions which addressed Dachshund specific behaviour and for garments which put safety and durability first. Taking inspiration from the high-end technical sportswear she loved, Michela wanted to create dog garments which truly embodied functionality, comfort, and longevity.

Wondercoat, as we now know it, was created in 2020, launching our first e-commerce website with a full collection of Dachshund specialised performance garments that put dogs’ needs for comfort and practicality and safety at the forefront. 

Weaving high end materials into our designs, we are passionate about the quality, sustainability and longevity of our products. Sourcing small batch premium grade, performance fabrics for durability and using end of the line materials wherever possible. The construction of our garments allows Wondercoat to offer a unique ‘repair and re-wear’ service, breathing new life into any of our garments and extending the usability of any of our products due to inevitable doggy wear and tear. Fast fashion in the pet industry is a huge issue and we hope we can take small steps in contributing to a solution.

Brown Miniature Dachshund wearing Black dachshund harness

Our dogs have been, and continue to be, involved in every step of the Wondercoat journey, driving the prototyping, testing and development of the meticulous and beautiful garments we produce today and in the future. The close relationship with our customers has also been instrumental in developing our garments and has allowed us to design out many issues we experienced in the first few years of Wondercoat with their help and invaluable feedback. Building a community of dachshund lovers and owners is as important to us as selling our garments.

Our range of products covers all seasons with constant working behind the scenes to develop new and exciting additions to our collection for both dogs and their owners…

Always with a vision for quality, functionality and style.

We hope that you love the collection as much as we do. We feel that we have just started our journey and are incredibly excited to see what we can achieve in the future as a small, specialised company with a love of dogs and designing beautiful but practical garments.

Any questions or feedback about products is always much appreciated and we can be contacted via our Instagram or Email.

Thank you for your continued support – The Wondercoat Team